Thursday, April 23, 2020

Part Time Tour Guide - Local Host

This entry, I will talk about my career as a Part Time Tour Guide.

So, how can I get involved in this tour guide?


Well its all started when I decided to travel to Japan (my dream country) with my friend, Mai for two weeks for celebrating our end of Degree life. According to plan, I will traveling on Dec 2016, but then due to super excited, I have made preparation in early year!
How excited I am.

So, to avoid sia-sia things for my traveling,

I'm doing a lot of googling things so that I don't miss any interesting things to do in Japan.

So, this is what happened, when you goggle a lot of things, Mr.Goggle will show some suggestion and best recommendation for you right?

So that happened to me.

Google show some recommendation of Withlocals and coincidentally, Withlocas will open new route in Asia and one of it is Kuala Lumpur. So they are looking for a local guide to become a local host under Withlocals.

 Why I mention Local host and what is Withlocals?

Withlocals actually operate HQ in the Netherlander and it has been a while since they only operated in Asia.
The concept of Withlocals is just like a private travel tour but with Withlocals it may be more authentic as it will be a walk with locals. So when the tourists book the tour, local host will take them a walk in the selected area and it creates a different feeling as the tourists travel with the locals.
It is nice concept right!
As the story goes, they are looking for a Local Host for the Kuala Lumpur route. So I decided to register.
Most tourists I get, they don't like the travel atmosphere with the official tour guide because for them the atmosphere is quite serious compared to when they travel with the locals
That's why I mention Local host because I am actually a local host.
Why am I interested?
First of all - I love meeting people around the world. I like to talk, share experiences, take my guest to interesting places and of course to increase my confidence level once I finish my university degree.
In  coming-entry, I will share my lovely experience with the my guest that coming from all around the world.
To end this, lets enjoy my video made for Withlocals's Ad.

Stay Love ❤️,
Neddy Nasir.

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